The information below provides a brief overview of JRCT’s six grants programmes.

Before you apply, please ensure that you have read the full details of the grants programme to which you are applying for funds. This information is available in the Funding priorities section of the website.

You can visit each programme page to understand more about when you will be able to apply for funding. 

Peace and Security

As a Quaker Trust, we believe that peace and security are built on values of equality, human rights, justice and environmental sustainability.

JRCT wishes to prioritise support for charitable work on the following issues:

  1. Challenging militarism
  2. Scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures in the context of human rights and peacebuilding
  3. Building support for alternative approaches to defence and security

Read the full details of the programme.

Power and Accountability

Quakers have a strong commitment to equality. We want to support people to create a world in which power is more equally shared, and in which powerful institutions are responsive and accountable to wider society and aligned with the long-term public interest.  

JRCT wishes to prioritise support for charitable work on the following issues:

  1. Strengthening corporate accountability
  2. Strengthening democratic accountability
  3. Encouraging responsible media

Read the full details of the programme.

Rights and Justice

As part of the Quaker tradition, JRCT is committed to the creation of a world that guarantees equal treatment for all people.

JRCT wishes to prioritise support for charitable work on the following issues:

  1. Protection and promotion of human rights and their enforcement in the UK
  2. Promoting rights and justice for minorities who face the most severe forms of racism
  3. Promotion of rights and justice for refugees and other migrants by identifying and tackling structures and systems that may deny them their rights

Read the full details of the programme.

Sustainable Future

The overall focus for this programme is on developing and promoting sustainable, low-carbon alternatives to the current consumerist and growth-based paradigm.

JRCT wishes to prioritise support for charitable work on the following issues:

  1. Better economics
  2. Beyond consumerism
  3. New voices

Read the full details of the programme.

Northern Ireland

JRCT aims to fund work which will contribute to the ongoing transformation of the Northern Ireland conflict. It has identified the following priority areas:

  1. Strengthening human rights and equality
  2. Reimagining society
  3. Cultivating peace and reconciliation

Read the full details of the programme.

Grassroots Movements 

Our Grassroots Movements Fund supports those on the frontlines of social and environmental injustice who are striving for transformative change.

This pilot programme has a separate application process. Read more and apply via the Grassroots Movements Fund website.