Sophie joined JRCT in February 2018. She oversees the Sustainable Future programme, having previously worked on the Northern Ireland programme.

In addition to her work at JRCT, Sophie is a trustee at the Community Foundation Northern Ireland and a member of its grants and impacts committee. She mentors young people in the third sector. 

Sophie is a member of the Chartered Management Institute. She has a first class degree, and an MA and PhD in politics from Queen's University Belfast where she is currently a visiting fellow. Sophie's PhD focused on loyalism and the politics of recognition. Her writing on gender and class was published in the Routledge Handbook of the Northern Ireland Conflict and Peace (2024). 

Before joining the Trust, Sophie worked at Living Legacies, an Arts and Humanties Research Council-funded centre which connected researchers with communities interested in exploring alternative histories in the UK. She worked with the Green Party leader as a researcher focused on gender based violence and Brexit. She has worked in communications, training and research for political parties. 

Sophie was active in the movement for reproductive justice in Northern Ireland, and she delivered community-based learning relating to feminism and class.
