Sophie is head of programmes at JRCT.
With a strong foundation in academia and the third sector, she brings a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Her background includes grant-making, research, teaching, impact assessment, team leadership, and strategic planning.
Sophie has worked at JRCT for seven years, holding grant-making roles on the Northern Ireland and Sustainable Future programmes. Prior to this, Sophie spent four years working on a UK-wide AHRC-funded project which connected, and provided funding to, researchers and communities across the UK.
Sophie completed a PhD in politics at Queen’s University Belfast. Her research used a participatory action research model and applied theories of respect and recognition to loyalist communities in Northern Ireland. Whilst completing her research, Sophie taught modules at Queen’s, including populism and democracy, European politics, and research methods. She worked with the Green Party of Northern Ireland on research and policy on gender-based violence and the impact of Brexit on Northern Ireland.
Sophie is a trustee at the Community Foundation of Northern Ireland, an independent charitable foundation. She is also a member of their grants and impact committee.
Sophie is a member of the Chartered Management Institute and holds leadership and management qualifications from the University of York. She continues to research and write, most recently contributing to the Routledge Handbook on the Northern Ireland Conflict and Peace.