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Recent grants awarded
There have been 25 results found matching your search

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Sistren Legal Collective
£77,000July 2024Grassroots Movements
Building Trust
£80,259July 2024Grassroots Movements
Pan-African Workers' Association (PAWA)
£80,000July 2024Grassroots Movements
Trans Action for Housing Justice
£76,995July 2024Grassroots Movements
£76,950July 2024Grassroots Movements
English Collective of Prostitutes
£49,214July 2024Grassroots Movements
SCALP (Scottish Community & Activist Legal Project)
£32,060July 2024Grassroots Movements
Manchester Migrant Solidarity (MiSol)
£77,000July 2024Grassroots Movements
Nejma Collective CIC
£44,902.20July 2024Grassroots Movements
Action for Community Transformation Initiative
£65,184July 2024Northern Ireland
Creggan Enterprises Limited
£20,000July 2024Northern Ireland
Participation and the Practice of Rights Project
£210,000July 2024Northern Ireland
Centre for Military Justice
£60,000July 2024Peace and Security
We Are Not Numbers
£60,000July 2024Peace and Security
APPG on Extraordinary Rendition
£120,000July 2024Peace and Security
International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
CHF66,173July 2024Peace and Security
British American Security Information Council (BASIC)
£100,000July 2024Peace and Security
United Nations Association Scotland
£32,000July 2024Peace and Security
Friends of Birzeit University
£121,192July 2024Rights and Justice
Drive 2 Survive CIC
£198,000July 2024Sustainable Future
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